
Lasting Power of Attorney Assisted Application only £50


I understand it can be an uncomfortable subject for many when planning for the inevitable, however securing your power of attorney can give you peace of mind that those closest to you will be cared for and looked after should if/when the need arises.

Unfortunately, the Power of Attorney Form(s) can appear quite daunting, long-winded, and time-consuming.  That is why I felt compelled to create the Power of Attorney Assisted Application Service, in which I will provide you with in-depth assistance in completing the Form(s) on-line, as well as submitting the Form on your behalf to the Office of the Public Guardian’.

Others charge-  £350-£1,000

I charge £50, and offer a discount for Couples (Wife/Husband/Partner) when their LPA Applications are made at the same time, and include the same Attorneys and Witnesses.

Want to learn more?

Caldwell Security Consultancy (CSC) provides an Assisted Application Service for the two types of application – Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) for Financial Decisions (Form LP1F), and the Lasting Power of Attorney for Health and Care Decisions (Form LP1H), for the low cost of £50, plus any associated postage and printing costs, and a discounted £75 for Couples LPA Applications.

For comparison Solicitors can charge between £400 and £1,000 for this type of Service, and Private Companies can charge upwards from £350.

The Applicant can choose to receive either, each individual LPA Form or both, via e-mail, by post, or conduct a telephone consultation with a staff member of CSC.

Although the LPG Forms, which each consist of twenty pages, and can appear to some to be daunting and complicated, CSC will provide a simple Guide to enable the Applicant to capture, and record the necessary information, which CSC then use to complete the on-line application with the Office of Public Guardian on behalf of the Applicant. CSC Director, Jon Caldwell, will also provide advice and guidance, via e-mail or telephone, and answer any questions that may arise from the Applicant in relation to the Application Process, or the information that is required.

Following the production of the on-line Application Form CSC will then e-mail an electronic copy, or post a printed copy, to the Applicant, together with a simple Advisory Note, providing information on obtaining the necessary signatures and dates of signing, and how to complete the Application Process.

The Applicant will then be required to post the signed copy of the LPG Form(s) back to CSC, where Jon will conduct a ‘Quality Review’ to ensure all the information is correct, before then sending the Form(s) by Recorded Delivery to the Office of Public Guardian for registration. The OPG will require the fee of £82 for each LPG Form to be paid by the Applicant by cheque or Credit/Debit Card.